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This article, East Imperium Nihilus Tradin' Companee, was written by Sovietfork1924. Please do not edit this article without their explicit permission.
This article, East Imperium Nihilus Tradin' Companee, is still being written. The author, Sovietfork1924, apologises for the inconvenience.

The Eastern Nihilus Trading Company, formally known, is a band of Orks that, if Human, would be considered a “Rogue Trader '' group. They often attempt to communicate with Imperial authorities, advertising their line of work, most commonly in the form of mercenary work aswell as trade and shipping through the Imperium Nihilus to other planets. The Nihilus Company is always willing to take jobs, in that sense they are perfectly legitimate, but for all the ways Blood Axes differ from normal orks, trickery remains pertinent to the operations of the ENTC. The Company's real game is opportunities, any opportunity to test the limits of humies, and find any chance to cheat and krump isolated or desperate systems.


The Kulture of the ENTC is similar to that of the Blood Axes. Most Orks upon birth are taught low gothic, making them a candidate for a diplomat or spy, it was brought upon from the early history of the ENTC, as Grognob had learnt low-gothic and later high-gothic through repeatedly trying to read imperial propaganda. The practice was carried on for its practicality, Diplomashee is easier, ENTC Orks will understand Human commands and shouts in the heat of battle, occasionally allowing boyz to understand the enemys next step before it happens, and the Orks like it when they unnerve Humans with their knowledge of Human culture. Nobz are also taught high-gothic, allowing them to scheme without lesser Orks understanding.


Diplomashee is the practice of negotiating and bartering with humans, similar to the human concept of "Diplomacy" but with the added clause of poking and prodding, constantly testing the limits of the humans tolerance. It is also the the practice of maintaining a parasitic relation to Human systems through said negotiation, learning the enemy, and even taking some of their gubbins, before exploiting their weaknesses to krump em even arder.'

Treatment of Grots and Humans[]

The standard dichotomy of Ork-Grot relations is one of mutual hatred but content, the Ork hates the Grot for its weakness, the Grot hates the Ork for hating it, enslaving it, eating it, but both are contempt with each other because they know this is the way the gods intended things to be. The company differs only in that since Mekgut has taken the reigns, they recognized Grot-battlefield potential, if ever so silently. So whereas in other clans, Grots could only build their own kanz and tanks when there is a significant excess of gubbins, Grot tanks and Killa Kanz are purpose built by the mekz by order of Mekgut.

It is also important to recognize that the keepers of the ENTC's history and battles are Grots. Usually this is standard practice among clanz due to grots knack for keeping what can be described as "Journals of Hate" towards Orks. The ENTC's grots prefer to use old imperial primers as their tomes of hate, instead of scrawled in hidey holes, and the chassis' of their mekz vehicles.

The ENTC has adapted Human practices when it comes to the treatment of Human Prisoners, using "enhanced Ork-terragation" techniques before disposing of Military leaders. Other captured humans are turned into servitor-like machines before being used for manual labor on the fleet of the ENTC. The ships of the ENTC are also mostly incapable of growing nutritional squigs, growing only enough to sustain a fraction of the Ork population. So the Orks of the ENTC have turned to Grot-Starch, a variation on the popular human ration "corpse-starch", don't let the name fool you however there is more than grots in it, humans, human live-stock, squigs, really anything that isn't an Ork.


ENTC Organization

The ENTC's chain of command.

The ENTC is of course headed by Korta-Krushmasta and Mekboss Mekgut Dakateef but they have several Orks directly below them to relay orders to their respective bodies of the clan. Mekguts Adjatunt, Killfragga, is responsible for organizing the Nobz, who in turn go to WAAAGH! with their fireteems.

Korta-Krushmasta is da boss of the Companee, which is a position currently filled by the Head Mek, Mekgut Dakateef, after the death of the original Korta-Krushmasta, Grognob.

Mekgut Dakateef is the Head Mek of the ENTC, overseeing production and modification of all vehicles, and leads the Clans tread-eadz. Mekgut Dakateef's chief underling is Krenko da Grot, who is the boots on the ground coordinator of Grot battlegroups, such as Killa Kan Mobs, Grot Tank formations, and Mek Gun artillery Groups. Krenko's position does not override the God's plans for the Grots however, Krenko is still often belittled and underestimated by the Orks of the clan. Krenko like most other Grots is fine with this, they know any other reaction would be ungodly.

Naval Offishur Shteve Bomb-it is the Flash Git Admiral of the Fleet, they oversee fleet movements and privateering operations. Below them are the Cappn's of da Fleet, who receive orders from the Flagship and relay them to the grot navigators manning the helm.


The ENTC's fleet is comprised mostly of smaller looted Imperial cruisers which escort the two large Space Hulks which house the Company. Notable ships are as follows:

  • "Da Revenge", Space Hulk, 12000 Meters, comparable to a Imperial Universe-Class Mass Conveyor. The ship that originally spawned the ENTC, it is an amalgamation of various Imperial Battlecruisers and Battleships, as well as an assortment of Ork constructed Frigates and Sloops. As a result, Da Revenge features an exotic assortment of armaments', most predominantly being several silos of Two-Stage Cyclonic Torpedoes, an Exterminatus weapon only used once by the Orks, in the battle over Beta Scorpii 6, which resulted in the destruction of the planet, at the disappointment of Ork forces, to whom the battle ended too soon.
  • "Grognobs Revenge" (Not to be confused with "Da Revenge," the ENTC's other Space Hulk), Space Hulk, 8000 Meters, comparable to an Avenger-Class Grand Cruiser. This Hulk was formed after a pyrrhic victory in system of Dunklewälderdunklerflüssenschattenwelt Majoris (Now known as "Snep" by the Orks that live there.) wherein the significant loss of ships on both sides led to the gravitic combination of the unrecovered ships.
  • "Da Bismork", Battlekroozer, 4500 Meters. Important only as a status symbol, Da Bismork was one of the first truly gigantic space ships built by the ENTC.
  • "Da Red Orktober", Mishull-Boat, 1000 Meters. This ship is a smaller destroyer almost entirely made up of armored missile silos, its smaller size allows it to blend in with the Sloops of the fleet only to get in close enough fire its nuclear payload at an unsuspecting ship.

Relation to WAAAGH! Ghazghkull[]

The ENTC recently joined WAAAGH! Ghazghkull after his decapitation and subsequent re-capitation, serving as one clan of many under the Blood Axe Under-boss of Ghaz, Colonel Taktikus. The ENTC often takes it upon themselves to reconnoiter possible targets of the 5 million ship strong-WAAAGH!, then participating in the following invasion.

Notable Campaigns[]

The ENTC has had several significant campaigns in their history like the

The WAAAGH! over Dunklewälderdunklerflüssenschattenwelt Majoris[]


The ENTC was founded in early M42 in the Space Hulk "Da Revenge." The Grots of the ENTC believe that they are the remnants of a great battle between yellow beakies and Orks, wherein the Ork force was wiped out, leaving only the fungal spores released by the remains of fallen Boyz. Soon the thousands of sprouting Orks began squabbling among themselves and forming tribes to fight over the limited resources the Hulk had to offer. The Hulk took its toll on the populace however, the intrigue of the Human ships, full of documents and weapons from its time as a capable group of Imperial ships, drew the majority of sprouted Boyz to believe themselves to be Blood Axes. Using their numerical and tactical superiority, the Blood Axes swiftly sweeped the rest of the Hulk destroying those prominant in the other clans, and their boyz rushed to join the Victorious clan.

Korta-Krushmasta Grognob[]

Mekgut Dakateef[]

Contact with WAAAGH! Ghazghkull[]
